This is a quick and easy recipe for Strawberry Jam with Pimms. To help the jam set I use jam sugar which has pectin in it. The jam is only boiled for 5 minutes so that the fruit remains relatively whole. Once a setting point is reached I add 1 tablespoon of Pimms per pot. If you don’t know Pimms you should really try it. It is a British Classic summer time drink, based on Gin with additional flavours usually served with lemonade and fruit. Most of the local Getranke Markt sell it. It adds an extra twist to the flavour of this jam. Keep the jam in the fridge, it should last for 2 to 3 weeks. I use strawberries that are slightly past their best to make this jam. As it doesn’t keep for very long don’t make to much in one go. The simple rule is to use half the sugar for the weight of the jam. This goes great with my Classic Scones recipe.

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